Monday, November 3, 2008

Proposal for an International Art Fair against speculative international market of the contemporary art and visual arts, art prospects, market reforms

New and emerging economic prospects for the artists in the world. Art equitable market, market reforms (equitable manner). Fairness.

Governance institutions more equitable and art market mechanisms, equitable market value, we must transform the current destructive international art market, to protect our contemporary creation and our contemporary artistic practices. the art market is considerably volatile. The art market is sensitive to international economic crises. Golden rules. The recognition arts and artistic practice as a basic human rights involved in the construction of the dignity of the person. The recognition that all activities of artistic creation and contemporary public order. Respect for the fundamental right of artists to live fairly for their work. The recognition that only the artist has a moral right on his works on his artistic production and dissemination. The recognition that the artist can at any time to request in writing as having only the moral right on his artistic production and distribution to professional art gallery to be released from the obligation of exclusivity. The art gallery will receive a professional commission that in no case exceeded 50% of sales (Prices excluding tax) in return for its services, production costs of works are always at the expense of the art gallery. The recognition of the concept of "equitable distribution" in public collections and exhibitions public must absolutely respect the plurality of contemporary creativity between different generations and current artists living. The recognition that political censorship or exclusion of artists for political reasons is a crime under the criminal law and that crime is the responsibility of the national criminal courts or international criminal courts. The obligation of States to renounce subsidize, assist or purchase of artworks in galleries professional who refuse to sign this rule (or against the rules). The ban in Europe to subsidize the cultur of the European member states which have not ratified this rule.

lili-oto and european association of artists, APEA.

Be careful with this translation French-English, see link to the original French blog :

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