Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Jeff Koons parodied by lili-oto, on his exhibition show at Versailles Castle in France !

Jeff Koons parodied by lili-oto

No for the neo pop, no for this artistic movement !
No for this wall street art !

The dissident french artist Lili-oto parodies the exhibition shows Jeff Koons at the Versailles Castle, facing the economic crisis, facing a bank crisis, the artistic movement New Relativity, artjacking, culture jamming, 2008.

for the monarchs of Stock Exchange in the world

for the monarchs of banks in the world
No for an art of Sun King in our democracy

the only art work of news for the whole year 2008

Jeff Koons parodied by lili-oto on his exhibition at Versailles Castle, for the bankers monarchs of the banks in the world, for the golden parachute, the only work of art news for the whole year, the artistic movement of the new relativity, artjacking, jamming culture, 2008

Jeff Koons parodied by lili-oto on his exhibition at Versailles Castle,  for the monarchs of the finance in the world, the golden parachute, the only work of art news for the whole year, the artistic movement of the new relativity, artjacking, jamming culture, 2008

Jeff Koons parodied by lili-oto on his exhibition at Versailles Castle, for the monarchs of Stock Exchange in the world, the golden parachute, the only work of art news for the whole year, the artistic movement of the new relativity, artjacking, jamming culture, 2008

Museum of Contemporary Art, patrons of artists and collectors of contemporary art:
How to acquire this art installation, this guillotine is not sharp because it is a artwork. We are not killers or wild as those that control banks and stock exchange in this world. a certificate will give you permission to make this artwork, available on ebay. lili-oto

hope - new dreams - culture unconventional - society projects -

we want a New Deal for the world

original french blog page link :


Monday, November 3, 2008

Photo exhibition "Utopia and Reality", contemporay project for the Rural Development and rural world

the french newspaper the Dépèche, "Quillan the castle as you've never seen"
contemporay project for the rural world
We are all equal facing of our contemporary culture that we live in large cities or in our countryside

Photo : Lili-oto photographed with its proposed contemporary art museum on the ruins of the castle in a small town.

Lili-Oto presents a series of architectural and urban Utopias for the town of Quillan requiring gigantic means for mega-projects some worthy of our larger French cities.A new urban landscape for Quillan? A Quillan dreamed in the imaginary of an artist accustomed and familiarized with work in big cities. Utopias which combine the absurdity, the freedom and the illusion as well as some unconcern claimed by the artist.This show is opposed to the rational speeches and the current methods of marketing which often encircle us and lead to a true fall of the illusions like the crisis that we undergo. This photomontage expresses a radical rupture between our reasonable and logical universe which is opposed to this permanent search of the improbable by artists. They invent or create their own system of representation which marks variations with the normality in our lives.The artist is proposing: a “storks’ lake” next to the Espace Cathare, to hide the church under the - Place of the Republicimagining the visit of the catacombs of Quillan by going through the church bell-tower, a ultra contemporary museum in the enclosure of the old castle dominating the city, (a thought for the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao), a flying sculpture on top of the Old Bridge… Contemporary artist but also chief decorator for the cinema and the TV, the artist takes the “piss” of reality by telling us that despite the absurdity of all these Utopias if the budgets necessary to this kind of projects were not a damper they are probable and realizable. In reality the rational thought and the price to be paid for this economic crisis are more expensive than some of the most insane architectural Utopias which sometimes have lived through the history of our civilizations. One should not confuse virtual and dreams, with a warning from the artist: “the limit of any shared Utopia and partisan’s politic is the dogma”. lili-oto

original french blog page link :

Proposal for an International Art Fair against speculative international market of the contemporary art and visual arts, art prospects, market reforms

New and emerging economic prospects for the artists in the world. Art equitable market, market reforms (equitable manner). Fairness.

Governance institutions more equitable and art market mechanisms, equitable market value, we must transform the current destructive international art market, to protect our contemporary creation and our contemporary artistic practices. the art market is considerably volatile. The art market is sensitive to international economic crises. Golden rules. The recognition arts and artistic practice as a basic human rights involved in the construction of the dignity of the person. The recognition that all activities of artistic creation and contemporary public order. Respect for the fundamental right of artists to live fairly for their work. The recognition that only the artist has a moral right on his works on his artistic production and dissemination. The recognition that the artist can at any time to request in writing as having only the moral right on his artistic production and distribution to professional art gallery to be released from the obligation of exclusivity. The art gallery will receive a professional commission that in no case exceeded 50% of sales (Prices excluding tax) in return for its services, production costs of works are always at the expense of the art gallery. The recognition of the concept of "equitable distribution" in public collections and exhibitions public must absolutely respect the plurality of contemporary creativity between different generations and current artists living. The recognition that political censorship or exclusion of artists for political reasons is a crime under the criminal law and that crime is the responsibility of the national criminal courts or international criminal courts. The obligation of States to renounce subsidize, assist or purchase of artworks in galleries professional who refuse to sign this rule (or against the rules). The ban in Europe to subsidize the cultur of the European member states which have not ratified this rule.

lili-oto and european association of artists, APEA.

Be careful with this translation French-English, see link to the original French blog :

Sunday, November 2, 2008

lili-oto an bug, Experimental opera, contemporary art. A laser harp sensitive

Experimental opera, contemporary art with a laser harp sensitive.
Lili-oto : intallation wooden shacks and videos projected on the wall
Bug : music with the laser harp sensitive
on the photos, you see Bug.

See video experimental opera :